Monday, December 10, 2007

My First Utterz

Susan's post at Beyond Podcasting about the web 2.0 application Utterz got me curious enough to try it out. She was right, it is very easy to use. In less than ten minutes, what I had called in appeared in this post. I then went back in and edited it afterwards. Although, you can text in a message that will post with the audio component, including tags. I've yet to master that myself, but I'll give it another try later. But how cool is this to be able to "speak" your thoughts and have them post to your blog, wiki, Tiwtter, etc?

The interface is very easy to follow. Call in and the voice prompts walk you through the steps. Not the usual headaches I get when trying to navigate any other calling system. Give it a try! Susan may just be right on target with her thoughts about students using this as a tool for posting. She's a French teacher and as a former French teacher myself, I think this would be an incredible tool to use in a Foreign Language classroom.

Oh, and love the "cow" theme they have going there. Utterz = udders...get it?

Mobile post sent by cobannon using Utterz Replies.  mp3